• Uncategorized

    I’m Back – Sort of…

    Whew, it’s been a minute or two… I was cruising along, and then a whole bunch of stuff happened. It had a cascading effect on my world. It started with the implosion of RWA, a couple of personal and health bumps, then the Pandemic happened. A few months in, my ADHD was out of control, and anxiety decided it was time to move in permanently. It paralyzed my creativity, and I was unable to write anything longer than a tweet. I couldn’t finish revisions on Safe Harbor or go forward with Rising Tides. Even attempting other creative outlets wasn’t giving me any joy. So I drifted. I got to a point where I could only function at a basic level,…

  • News

    Welcome to Romancelandia

    (or at least my little corner of it.) Never heard of it? Romancelandia is a place not to be confused with Mysteria, Action-Thrillerville, Women’s Litdom, or Sci-Fi/Fantasyland. These are just a few of the many communities in the wide world…